Petitesquirt's corner
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  Melbourne Cup
Today was Melbourne Cup day. Not a gambling person, nor a person into horses, nor into horse racing, I could never understand why an entire nation would stop for just a particular race.

On a day like this, I like to relax. Take in the scenery, a walk in the park and of course, a relaxing time in a cafe. Mind you, not just any cafe. Preferably, a quiet cafe. One that allows me to contemplate life. To watch the sun rise, or the sun set. To watch people milling around, but not to be a part of it. To watch life revolves around me, but not take part. There is never enough of such cafes.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
  The Krispy Kreme Craze
I was at the airport this morning. As per my usual routine, I enjoy watching the behaviour of the people around me, especially the tourists. This time, I was shocked to see a guy with 6 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts as a carry-on luggage! 6 boxes? What is he going to do with these? Souvenirs to friends and relatives? I was so tempted to approach the guy to ask what flavours of donuts he bought.

As I have yet to visit the donut store, I do not understand the madness surrounding it. What is so special about it to make people form a queue that rivals those at the TAB? Maybe when the craze has died down, or when the queue is less long, I will visit one to satisfy my curiosity.
Monday, October 02, 2006
  Types of students
Students come in all shapes and sizes. They also bring with them differing attitudes. I observe that at a recent lecture I visited at a local university.

First, there is the absolute hardworker. S/He sits down in the front, in the first couple of rows of the lecture theatre. This student will always be able to answer all the questions the lecturer poses. The absolute perfectionist, the student will usually end up being the lecturer's favourite student.

The next row up will usually be occupied by the stressed international students. These students, under the pressure of family finance, will try the do their best in their attempt to justify to their families their dues for financial support.

The last row of the lecture theatre will usually be occupied by the students who could be the gifted, smartest and laziest students in the entire room. They care enough to attend the lecture but not enough to avoid napping in class.

In between, there are the assortments of part time students who wants to do well but may not have the time to commit to such tasks.
Monday, July 17, 2006
  Les bandes-dessinées
J'aime les bandes-dessinées. Particulérment, les Asterix et les Tin Tin. Mais en Australie, il est tres difficile pour trouver ces bandes-dessinées. Quand on les a trouvé, ils ont été chers.

Aussi, j'aime lire le livre Tom Tom et Na Na. J'ai une partie de la collection. Je les ai acheté sur le site internet Ils ont été en vente quand je les ai acheté.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
  La pluie.
Il a plu toute la jour et toute la nuit. Et il ne s'est pas arrêté. Qu'est-ce que vous faites quand il pleut? Moi, j'ai nettoyé la voiture, sous la pluie. C'est une bonne utilisation de l'eau.

J'aime la pluie. J'aime s'asseoir pars la fenetre avec un tasse de thè. Il n'y a pas assez de pluie en Australie. En tout car, il n'y a pas assez l'eau sur la terre.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
  So much work to do
And so little time to finish watching all that soccer. Forsaking all the house work I have been thinking of doing. I really should try to allocate at least an hour of my awaken state, just attempting to bring some order to my home.

Is there a way to attempt to bring order to one's mess? I thought about starting with the kitchen. But the kitchen, is a place that is continuously used, engaged in some form of activities at different times of the day. To clean it, would require at least a period of time whereby it will be 'off line'. I can be certain that the moment it has been cleaned, it will be messed up in the next minute. So, why bother?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
  Un nouveau jour
Un nouveau commencement.

Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Enjoys writing, travelling, and generally observing the world.

June 2006 / July 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 /

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