Petitesquirt's corner
Thursday, June 22, 2006
  So much work to do
And so little time to finish watching all that soccer. Forsaking all the house work I have been thinking of doing. I really should try to allocate at least an hour of my awaken state, just attempting to bring some order to my home.

Is there a way to attempt to bring order to one's mess? I thought about starting with the kitchen. But the kitchen, is a place that is continuously used, engaged in some form of activities at different times of the day. To clean it, would require at least a period of time whereby it will be 'off line'. I can be certain that the moment it has been cleaned, it will be messed up in the next minute. So, why bother?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
  Un nouveau jour
Un nouveau commencement.
Monday, June 12, 2006
I am watching the soccer match between Japan and Australia in the World Cup match. I think I am nervous, too nervous to watch the game without bias.

Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Enjoys writing, travelling, and generally observing the world.

June 2006 / July 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 /

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